5 Big Mistakes To Avoid In Order To Be Approved For A Cash Advance Loan
1. Asking for more money than you can afford to borrow. Keep in mind that cash advance loans are repaid much more quickly than standard bank loans. The standard agreement involves full repayment from your next paycheck – payday loans are designed to fill in the gaps between now and payday, although extensions are available if they’re needed. Another point to keep in mind is that the lenders are evaluating your loan based on how much you earn, so if you need more money than the take-home from one of your paychecks, a cash advance may not be your ideal choice.
2. Leaving information off of your application. Because the application form is so simple, it’s important to fill in all the answers. None of them are unnecessary. If you need to take some time to look up things like when your paydays are or the date you started at your job, do it. Omitting answers to questions on the form looks like one of two things – either you don’t want to share the information because you think it might be detrimental to your approval, or you’re simply careless and not taking the application seriously.
3. Making mistakes on the questions. Take your time! It’s important for all your information to be verifiable. It’s definitely a red flag if there’s conflicting information, incorrect phone numbers or personal identification numbers. Have all your IDs with you to make sure you get the numbers right, and a copy of your paycheck stub to make sure you use the right address and phone number for your employer. Have your checkbook handy to copy and double check the routing and account numbers you’ll need to enter in order to receive direct deposit of your cash advance funds.
4. Using invalid IDs. Expired IDs or ones that use characters other than letters and numbers in their key identification number will not be accepted into the system – they have to be valid and unexpired, or they won’t be accepted as identification for purposes of your application.
5. Incorrect pay dates. This falls under making mistakes on the questions, but it’s important enough to warrant a warning all its own. A lot hinges on your paydays for a cash advance loan, since that’s the dates repayment is due and will be drafted automatically from the same bank account that the funds were originally deposited to. If the pay dates listed on the application are weekends or holidays, they will be rejected as invalid and approval will be impossible.
Your Chances of Approval Are Excellent If You Follow These Guidelines
Follow the recommendations above and odds are excellent that you’ll be approved and get the cash you need to keep your life on track. The application is available 24/7 and the lenders are too, so there’s no reason not to apply whenever and wherever is most convenient for you. Don’t pinch pennies, swallowing your stress and worry – cash advance loans can make your money worries disappear.
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