Bad Credit Installment Loans are Helping People Who Have Made Financial Mistakes
One bad financial decision can affect your credit for up to 7 years after you made the initial mistake. Desiree, one of our customers, knows all too well: “I had just turned 18 when I received my first credit card,” Desiree said. “I could never seem to pay back the amount I spent. After awhile, I stopped making the minimum payments. Now, 6 years later, I’m still stuck with the score that resulted from my lack of responsibility.”
Desiree isn’t alone. Over 200 million Americans have bad credit. However, things can and will change. If you need financial assistance now, one of our bad credit installment loans could help.
Bad Credit Installment Loans can Improve a Credit Score
A credit score is nothing more than a popularity contest. A high score means a person is a good borrower—they tend to make prompt, regular payments. A low score means a person isn’t a good borrower—they might have missed payments or stopped paying altogether. Banks prefer to lend to people who pay back their loans. Just because a bank won’t lend to you now, doesn’t mean they won’t lend to you later. A bad credit installment loan can help you improve your score. If you make timely payments, your score will go up in the future.
Apply for one of our Bad Credit Installment Loans now and Receive up to $1000 in Cash
As long as you’re 18, have a regular source of income, and have an active bank account, you can get approved for a bad credit installment loan today. Visit our website for more information on how you can improve your bad credit score and get the cash you need.
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