5 Fabulous Facts About Payday Advance Loans
1. Almost everyone qualifies!
The requirements are simple and straightforward. All you need to do is be at least 18 years old, a US citizen, and provide some basic information. To qualify for payday advance loans, you should be employed and earn at least $1000 per month, and have a bank account that has access to electronic debits and credits. As long as you haven’t defaulted on a similar short-term payday-style loan you have an exceptionally good chance of approval.
2. Typos on your application are the most likely reason for rejection
It sounds outrageous but it’s true! As long as you meet the payday advance loans requirements previously mentioned, the main problem to watch out for is making accidental errors on your application form. We’re all human and we make mistakes – and autocorrect makes a lot of them for us! Something as simple as transposing two digits in the address or phone number of your employer can prevent the information you reported from passing the verification process – the data won’t match. So take extra care – especially if you’re using your phone’s browser to complete the form – to enter all the info exactly as you wish it to be.
3. Yes, you can apply for payday advance loans on your smartphone!
The developers behind the scenes have been keeping up with the latest web technology, and one notable recent development is that more and more people are using their phones as a primary computing device. No longer is a phone just a phone, or a place for a quick check of email and social media accounts. Now you can do almost anything on your smartphone that you can on a laptop computer, and applying for a payday advance loan is no exception. Anywhere you have a web-enabled device and internet access, you can submit your application and have it treated exactly the same – with quick attention, processing and approval!
4. Payday advance loans get you cash as soon as the next business day!
Among the fastest ways to borrow money, short-term loans use the power of the internet and electronic data process to get you cash as quickly as your bank will process the deposit. Generally the clearing process is overnight, so apply today and have cash waiting in your account first thing tomorrow morning.
5. Get payday advance loans without a credit check, collateral, or personal financial statements
Many personal loans require credit references, prior year tax returns, or collateral in order to evaluate your application. With payday advance loans there’s not even a standard credit check! Our lenders know that millions of hard working, responsible Americans have had difficult financial times or made mistakes in their past – and believe that this should not keep those people from rebuilding their lies and accessing short-term credit when they need it most.
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