Don’t Struggle With Uneven Income – A Payday Loan Costs Less Than Late Fees
Late fees can destroy a budget more quickly than almost anything. You’ve gotten yourself organized, sorted out which bills get paid with which paychecks, and left room for gas and groceries. It’s such a relief – until the schedule gets posted at work and you don’t have the hours you thought you would. Other weeks will make up for it, but what do you do in the meantime? Your choices seem to be a pawnshop loan, borrowing from family or friends (always a dicey proposition!) or paying some bills late and hoping for some extra hours at work later on to make those up. The other option is a payday loan, a choice that a lot of people don’t consider because they’ve heard they’re prohibitively expensive. But it’s worth considering!
Here are the true facts: the interest rates aren’t low, but they’re competitive – they have to be since they’re literally competing with all the other places you could borrow money. Some other sources of credit appear to be lower than they are, because instead of being paid back in one month, the interest builds and builds for a year or more before it’s all paid off. On the flip side, payday loan rates are described in annual terms in order to create an “apples to apples” comparison with other loans, but because the interest is for a shorter term you pay much less than it sounds like.
Payday Loans Are Easy To Apply For and Totally Drama Free
Nearly any kind of loan will have a fair amount of paperwork involved – lenders’ applications are notorious for asking questions that require an hour – and sometimes research – to answer. These might include things like the amount of your average utilities bill for the past year, the names and addresses of all the companies you pay on a monthly basis, and your taxable income for the past two or three years. When you’re in the midst of an emergency or some other kind of stressful situation, you don’t want to spend time digging through files or wasting time filling out a time-consuming loan application. What you want is what payday loans offer – fast, efficient service that provides the extra cash you need quickly and easily.
The process is quicker and easier than any other method of borrowing money. It’s 100% internet-based and requires no documents to be uploaded. The questionnaire is brief and asks for only basic straightforward information – ID, employment info, and your bank account number so the funds you’re approved for can be direct-deposited. There’s no credit check, so having damaged credit won’t hurt your chance of approval. What’s more, you don’t even have to be home to complete the application – the payday loan website is optimized for mobile, so you can complete the whole application process on your smartphone if that’s what’s available. Waiting in an emergency room and don’t have the copayment? Or in the auto mechanic’s waiting room while your one and only car is repaired? In just a few minutes you can apply, be approved, review the Terms and Conditions – including payment dates and amounts, interest rates, and any other fees – and have cash in your account in just a single business day! Fastest, easiest loan ever.
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