Your Green Leaf 1 Hour Loans Questions Answered
Before you borrow money, be smart about it. Get your questions answered because borrowing is nothing to be taken lightly. We prefer to have educated borrowers. Know what you’re getting into, know what your options are, and you can make the best decisions. Here are all of your most important questions about Green Leaf 1 hour loans answered.What Are Green Leaf 1 Hour Loans?
These are payday loans, which means that you can use your income as proof that you can afford a small, personal loan. It also means that you can make repayment easily, just by making sure your paycheck gets deposited into your bank account and your lender withdraws what you owe on payday.
How Do I Qualify for Green Leaf 1 Hour Loans?
Qualification requirements are simple for Green Leaf 1 hour loans. Our lenders use a proprietary method for approving borrowers, but there are some minimal requirements. These include having a job that earns at least $800 per month, having a good job history, being a legal resident 18 years old or older, and having a bank account.
What about Credit Score?
Each lender is different, but you should know that credit score is never an automatic disqualifier with our network of lenders. They use the above requirements for approving borrower for Green Leaf 1 hour loans and don’t consider a poor credit score an automatic disqualification.
How Long Does it Take to Get Green Leaf 1 Hour Loans?
The name says it all and Green Leaf 1 hour loans are really that fast. You can apply, get approved by a lender, and have that lender send you an official document to e-sign, all in an hour or less. It takes very little effort on your part. You simply have to fill out the quick application and the lender works quickly to get the rest done.
When Will I Get the Cash?
Green Leaf 1 hour loans are fast, which means that most borrowers get their hands on the cash the next morning. As long as he next day after you get approved is a business day, you can expect the same. Apply on the weekend or at night and you’ll still get your cash quickly.
To apply for Green Leaf 1 hour loans, you need to complete a simple application. Access it online or through a mobile app and you are on your way to getting quick cash.
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