Expanding to Dallas and Chicago
Green Leaf Loan Group expands its operations to focus on local markets and specific market areas to continue to grow by double digits. “We want to continue to grow and serve our customers in local markets and those looking for specific loan options such as 1 hour loans, installment loans, lines of credit, cash advances, title loans and of course payday loans” says Heather Wilson, VP Marketing.
In expanding to local markets Green Leaf gives customers a greater level of comfort knowing that they are borrowing using a service that provides loans to their specific location. “I like that we can target our marketing for all the services we offer and are now doing it on a local level. That should help our customers and help us continue the fantastic growth we have come to be know for throughout the industry” says Toby Howard, VP Finance.
Expansion into Dallas and Chicago
Current Expansion into Dallas and Chicago started with the launch of the Dallas TX Payday Loans website with the Chicago site to follow shortly. Along with the Dallas and Chicago sites Green Leaf Loans and First Liberty Loans sites were launched for marketing and PPC purposes, respectfully.
Dallas and Chicago Expansion Starts with Dallas
Green Leaf Loan Group has launched its Dallas Tx Payday Loans website to glowing praise for its clean feel and ease of use. Those in all of Texas as well as Dallas can now easily apply for everything in the Green Leaf portfolio; from 1 Hour Loans, Installment Loans, Lines of Credit Loans, Refund Anticipation Loans, Payday Loans and Cash Advances and all using the Dallas TX Payday Loans website.
Green Leaf Loans
Green Leaf Loans was launched to offer a URL that could be more easily advertised then the current URL of Green Leaf Loan Group (GLLG). “The new shorter URL should be easier for customers to find and easier for customers to remember when used in advertising” says Toby. GLLG wants its customers to find all of its websites to be clean, secure and easy to use including the new Green Leaf Loans. Heather also said that GLLG will keep its current website that is the linchpin of its brand as it is a great performing website and GLLG will use the new Green Leaf Loans website for marketing.
First Liberty Loans
First Liberty Loans was launched as a means to show the customer that they are getting loans from a reputable lender. The site will mainly be used as a dynamic site for PPC customers. The PPC campaign will pass in keywords and locations for the site to brand itself by using the passed in information. This site will also continue with the clean look and easy operation that is the hallmark of all GLLG sites. First Liberty Loans will also provide the PPC customer the ability to easily and quickly apply for 1 Hour Loans, Installment Loans, Line of Credit Loans, Car Title Loans, Payday Loans and Cash Advances.
Near Future Expansion
Dallas Loans
Green Leaf Loan Group plans on launching its Dallas Loan Site within the next month to offer the same great loan services as its Dallas site. The Dallas site will have its own branding and look & feel but will still be clean and easy to use as well as offering the full GLLG suite of loan services (1 hour loans, installment loans, line of credit loans, auto title loans, payday loans and cash advances. The URL for the new site will be announced at launch.
Chicago Loans
Along with the launch of its Dallas loan site, GLLG will launch its Chicago Loan Site. Like all GLLG sites it will be clean, fast, secure and offer 1 Hour Loans, Installment Loans, Line of Credit Loans, Car Title Loans, Payday Loans and Cash Advances. The Chicago URL will also be announced at launch.
Within the following six months Green Leaf Loan group plans on adding to the Dallas and Chicago launches by launching a plethora of additional sites in order to capitalize on its new strategy for continued growth.
Heather says
Best 1 Hour Loans Around!!!