How to Fix and Improve My FICO Credit Score
Installment Loans for Bad Credit are a Solution for Borrowers with a Low Credit Score
Repairing credit is like losing weight—it takes time and there’s no quick fix. Here are some things you can fix today to help you with your goal of increasing your score:
1). Check your Credit Report. Request a free copy of your credit report and check it for errors and mistakes like a “missed” or “late” payment. If something is incorrect on your report, dispute the issue with the reporting agency. This could drastically improve your score in a few hours.
2). Pay off Debt. Stop using your credit cards. If you are having issues getting by, consider other options like Installment Loans for Bad Credit instead. Installment Loans for Bad Credit have better terms and conditions than credit cards do.
3). Pay Bills on Time. Delinquent payments, even if they are only a few days late, can have a detrimental impact on your FICO score. If you have missed payments, get current.
All credit mishaps will stay on your credit report for seven years, so it’s important to manage your spending, your borrowing, and your payments. If you or a family member has bad credit and needs a loan, Installment Loans for Bad Credit is a great credit-boosting opportunity.
Installment Loans for Bad Credit can Help Increase Your Credit Score
According to, “In general, having credit cards and installment loans for bad credit (and making timely payments) will rebuild your credit score. Someone with no credit cards, for example, tends to be higher risk than someone who has managed credit cards responsibly.”
Click here for more information on how you can get approved for installment loans for bad credit.
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by “Scott Lowber“
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