Why You Must Provide A Bank Account to Get a Cash Advance Online
We are often asked why a bank account is needed in order to get a cash advance loan online
That is actually a very good question and we can give you a few excellent reasons:
A bank account is needed to insure you are who you say you are. Unlike a cash advance from a walk in location the lender cannot know for sure you are who you say you are when applying online. A walk in location can look at your drivers license or id to ensure you are who you say you are. Online however, there are many people who try to scam the online lenders by giving false information. An online lender must rely on the bank to verify who is opening the bank account and the online lender can then rely on that information when you apply for a cash advance online.
A bank account is also needed to get the loan funds to you in a timely manner. Once you are approved for the loan your cash advance funds will be wired to your bank account via direct deposit which is one of the quickest ways of getting you your money quickly. A direct deposit is sent to your bank through the federal reserve system and your bank should have the funds in your account and available to you by the next business morning.
A bank account is also needed for the lender to withdraw the funds when the loan is due. Just like the funds were deposited into your account via direct deposit your loan repayment will be drafted from your account automatically on the due data so you’ll never have to worry about being late repaying your loan and thus you could never be charged a late fee. If you aren’t able to repay the loan on the repayment date then there are no worries as you can ask your lender for a loan extension. While a loan extension will cost a fee, you can be sure your lender will be glad to assist you with an extension.
Your Safe With Our Secure System
As far as security goes your data is more then safe. Your data is secured and encrypted with GoDaddy 256 bit encryption. This means a 256 bit encryption key is used to encrypt your data before it is sent over the internet. One thing you should know is that 256 bit encryption has never been broken and this is due to the amount of computing power it would take to break that level of encryption. Once we receive your bank data it is placed in a very secured and firewall protected 2008 SQL server database for added protection.
Apply for a Cash Advance Online With Confidence
You can apply for a Cash Advance Online with Green Leaf Loan Group and be confident in supplying the bank information needed to get you approved.
by “Ray West“
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